#FamilyTree365 – Day 15 September 15, 2016
As I said previously I would post about Maier Krochmal’s father Schulim.
My research into Schulim’s node (and some surrounding nodes) on the tree has been a bit confusing at times. But first some backstory –
Schulim was born to Mojszes Krochmal and Lybe Schorr in the town of Zloczow sometime between 1855 and 1859. He had 4 siblings – Abraham, Beila, Chaym, and Rifke. As stated before his first wife was Jente Golde Schapira who, according to the birth records of her children, was from Hinowice. Her only child with Schulim was Maier. After divorcing Jente he married Rachel Dobresz Lehrer and they three children – Ryfke, Moses, and Lybe. Ryfke and Lybe did not live past the age of three. However Schulim, Rachel, and Moses at some point immigrated to the US. Upon their arrival they took the name Lehrer supposedly at the insistence of a brother of Rachel. At least this is what I read in a book about the memoirs of Moses’ son.
So my confusion/questions surrounding Schulim are as follows: Was his first wife really connected to the Giant Eagle Schapira/Shapira’s? Was her second husband related to the Resier family that lived a few doors down from my mother in Stanton Heights? His sister married an unknown Schapira – any relation to Jente Golde and/or the Giant Eagle Schapira’s? Did they really change the name to Lehrer because of a brother’s insistence or is there more to the story?
Some of these things I will go into later